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what it’s all for:

This page exists to help me articulate myself to the world, to be a connective body for all the people I love, and to give something greater than myself to my family and our children.

There’s a long way to go on this journey!

I’m here for all of it, and if you’re reading this — you are walking with me.

Reach out! Twitter


Some of my favorite work…


These are questions that I am continuously asking. They form a container of aliveness which guides me towards the person, life, and world that I want to live in.

  1. What are the ingredients of resilient, flourishing communities?
  2. Where can I provide care in my community?
  3. How do we end the military industrial complex? Prison complex? Transition from a pathological capitalist paradigm to an ecological, soul-centric, society and a solidarity economy lifestyle?